Neuroscience Early Stage Scientist Training Program

Undergraduate Funding Opportunities*

The NESSTP program offers competitive travel awards for University of Chicago undergraduates in the neuroscience fields to attend scientific conferences, short courses, and professional development workshops. Examples include Society for Neuroscience, Gordon Research Conferences, American Society for Neurochemistry, or courses at MBL or Cold Spring Harbor.  To apply, please complete your travel application and submit 4 weeks before the conference registration deadline if possible. Questions can be addressed to

There is no deadline for this program; applications will be considered at any time, but travel awards are limited.  Please list the cost of the conference or course registration fee on your application along with the link to the registration website. Provide an estimated budget for the total cost of the conference or course. If other funding is available, please list. Allowable expenses for reimbursement are restricted to: conference registration, roundtrip airfare, hotel for the duration of the conference, and ground transportation to and from the airport.

NESSTP Undergraduate Student Travel/Course Application

Note: As NESSTP funding is provided by an NIH funded-grant, applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents. Students underrepresented in the US Biomedical workforce are encouraged to apply (

Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities*

The NESSTP program offers competitive travel awards for University of Chicago graduate students and postdocs in the neuroscience fields to attend scientific conferences, short courses, and professional development workshops. Examples include Society for Neuroscience, Gordon Research Conferences, American Society for Neurochemistry, or courses at MBL or Cold Spring Harbor.  To apply, please complete your travel application and submit at least 4 weeks before the conference registration deadline if possible.  Questions can be addressed to to

To be eligible to receive funds to attend a meeting, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows must be presenting at the meeting.  There is no deadline for this program; applications will be considered at any time, but travel awards are limited.  Please list the cost of the conference or course registration fee on your application along with the link to the registration website. Provide an estimated budget for the total cost of the conference or course. If other funding is available, please list.  Allowable expenses for reimbursement are restricted to: conference registration, roundtrip airfare, hotel for the duration of the conference, and ground transportation to and from the airport.

NESSTP Graduate Student Travel Application

NESSTP Postdoc Travel Application

Note: As NESSTP funding is provided by an NIH funded-grant, applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents. Students underrepresented in the US Biomedical workforce are encouraged to apply (